
Final Key Handoff: 2016 Flood Housing Program

Written by GrantWorks, Inc.

Open Letter: Assistant Project Manager Angela Turner on finalizing the Flood Housing Program GrantWorks has been working on since 2016

Today was the final key handoff for the Single-Family Home 2016 Flood Housing Program for the City of Brookshire, Texas. After a whirlwind delay of car issues, late starts, and adjusted schedules, I pull up to the home to meet the homeowner. Up to this point, I’ve only spoken with her over the phone for almost a year or more. We couldn’t help but hug each other – the emotions of happiness and good cheer, what Christmas is all about, swelled all around us.  

The yard was filled with GrantWorks staff, City of Brookshire staff, and the homeowner’s family and friends. The weather was BEAUTIFUL! But the best moment of all was when the homeowner received her keys and walked through the door into her new home, for the first time. The video captured the exhilaration, the tears, the yelps of awe and excitement of the beauty of the home. There is nothing like witnessing those moments. Nothing can compare to the incomparable joy of homeownership. 

As we continued our “Welcome Home, Merry Christmas” journey to the other seven homes, each homeowner told their personal story of how much this program has changed their lives. Many shared that they no longer come into a house that is cold, or hot, that they can breathe fresh air inside and not have to inhale mold spores, they no longer have to be afraid of the rain, how proud they are to bring family members over, AND how this home will be passed down to other generations. 

That really struck me! I’ve worked in housing for several years and have seen their property and its conditions. I wonder, do we really realize the impact that this program is having?

This program extends beyond the immediate benefits to the homeowner – it plays a crucial role in shaping a legacy for generations to come!

Angela Turner hugs a new homeowner while handing off the keys to a new home.

The commitment to build a quality home is also evident. The materials used are sustainable, codes were adhered to in accordance with the highest industry standards, and proper documentation is in place. This creates a lasting impact not only on the environment but for the future of these families. It’s such a WIN in so many ways.

I am so grateful that I get to be a part of this incredible journey. Every effort, every choice, and every commitment we make as a GrantWorks’ team contributes to the larger tapestry we are weaving together to create transformation in our communities. I’m thankful that GrantWorks pushed to make sure that these moments were captured. When others would have just moved on to the next project, GrantWorks decided to go the extra mile.

By prioritizing the documentation of these visits, it not only allows us to reflect on our journey but also serves as a powerful tool for communicating our mission and inspiring other to join our cause. This collective effort between GrantWorks and everyone involved will ensure that our impact extends beyond the immediate present and resonates with a broader audience. 

But hey, what can I say – that’s the GrantWorks way.